Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I may blow away!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe how hard this wind is blowing, It is just howling, the rain is pouring,my windows are leaking. I think I have just started the lyrics to a new country and western song.

Ok so our Week #4 blog challenge with Dorrie was about Facebook.com, have we heard of it,do we use, and if we could find someone from our past who would it be.

I had never heard tell of it until my brother invited me on it to look at some Bolivia pics. I logged on checked out the pics,wrote on my niece's walls and then logged off and forgot my login. I got several invites, they were coming in from every Tom, Dick and Harry..........literally. Some of the people I have never had much contact with in my life,but they saw that I was so and so's friend and the list went on.

If I could find someone it would be two of my classmates. One I haven't seen since graduation and the other maybe once, she is now an RCMP out West I think. I would also try to find my student exchange twin from Sask.

Now off to awake my lazy children for school.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

well..i could not resist..i am a sucker..checked it out..signed up..so when i get time i will have to do some searching!