Thursday, March 18, 2010

Spring Is In The Air

I can just feel it.I haven't been feeling too springy the last few weeks,but this past one has got me hopeful.The robins are out,the days are longer,the weather is better.My kids have started with the spring fever thing way too soon.Already they want school to be over with.I do,for nothing more than the fact I hate making lunches.

I have been such a bad blogger,but life has been a bit turned upside down recently.I am hoping to get back into the swing of things real soon.

How about taking part in this.Lots of fun and inspiring sketches.Make sure to stop by April 1st.........and this isn't a joke:)


JennC said...

I've been craving spring too. I think it's only natural after such a long winter. Thankfully I dont' have to make lunches yet. I mean what do you put in them nowa-days when you can't use peanut butter?

*oh and I have a little surprise for you, just check my blog and you'll see -tee hee*

Deborah Marasa said...

Hi Julie!! miss you :)

Vanessa said...

I want to take part in the celebration..remind me if I forget ;-)

Laura said...

I have a pretty bad case of Spring fever myself!!
Hoping things settle down for you soon Julie!