Monday, July 14, 2008

Like living in the desert!

Gee, I had to make sure that I didn't spell it dessert,because that would be a great thing to live in.Well as many of my friends know,we have a dug well.That is one of the not so nice things about living in an older house.Back when it was built,men got together with shovels and dug their own wells.I'm sure that it was cost efficient and since they didn't have 5 people showering every day and the mountains of laundry to do that 3 kids go through,I'm sure that they had more than a sufficient amount.Times have changed,and I have no water!We were getting by with a little water,and then someone turned on the tap or flushed the toilet and the pump stuck on and pumped what little bit I had out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course it was all my fault,because us women are supposed to notice the starting and stopping of a pump don't you know.Well thankfully it is raining today,so some of that will hopefully sink into the ground,but in the meantime we had to do something we have never had to before.............Call on the good old White Head Fire Department to give us a load of water.........LOL,at a minimal fee I might add.This is great,but it kinda stirs the water up for a bit,so I don't wash my whites here or drink it.


Anonymous said...

The fun never ends in the Duncan household...

Anonymous said...

I may have to move at your neck of the woods just to watch all the excitement. lol
I hate spectics and wells! Always something going wrong with them. Hope all goes well soon.

Laura said...

oh no...hope it's not an issue for too long Julie!

Vanessa said...

you just wanted to have some hot looking fire men come out..boy the lenghts you will go to julie..lmao!
